CONTACT Counselling Services Psychotherapy & Counselling in Cheltenham & Gloucestershire

Information about Psychotherapy & Counselling


“it is never too late to become the person you might have been” George Elliott


Information about Psychotherapy & Counselling. counselling benefits

Individual Psychotherapy / Counselling

I offer face to face, short term and open ended Psychotherapy / Counselling to Adult Individuals 18+. I can also offer on line Counselling via Video applications. An area of particular interest to me is the Psychology of attachment, early trauma and the role of loss and how these may continue to impact upon the present. Psychotherapy / Counselling can often help make sense of early experiences and relationships and how they are connected to the difficulties and insecurities we face today.
It is important for a person to choose a Psychotherapist / Counsellor they feel comfortable with, someone who works in ways that will meet their individual needs.

Information about Psychotherapy & Counselling. counselling

Young People Counselling

Young People, like adults need to choose the right Psychotherapist / Counsellor. One they are comfortable with, a qualified, competent Counsellor who honours confidentiality and shows them respect. A Counsellor that is skilled and trained to work with Young People in an engaging, motivated and creative way.

Young People communicate all the time but not always through words.

Sometimes they communicate their distress through truancy, anger, bullying, disruptive behaviour, self injury, over sexualisation, pornography, drugs, alcohol or through silence. Adults need to understand what these behaviours mean and what the Young Person is communicating and Young People need to feel that they are heard and understood. Through working with young people 12+ as an independent School Counsellor and in Private Practice for 14yrs, I have a wealth of understanding and experience in assessing developmental processes and can support the emotional needs of Young People in a supportive and creative way.


Couples Counselling / Therapy

Couples Counselling / Therapy, provides couples with a safe place for both partners to express themselves. The neutrality of the Therapist can enable the couple to look at their relational needs and uncover the unacknowledged emotions and interactional patterns causing them both distress

Common reasons couples come for Couples Counselling / Therapy

  • To improve or develop the relationship
  • To make decisions about the relationship
  • To separate

    The general difference in Couples Counselling / Therapy is:- The work is usually short term 2 -6 sessions. The Therapist is more proactive and directive. Relational exercises between sessions (where relevant).



Sessions are available: Monday to Wednesday 08.30 - 20.30

  • £50 per 50 minute session for Individuals and Young People
  • £70 per 50 minute session for Couples
  • £70 per 90 minute session for Supervision

    If you would like to book an initial session to come and meet me, please ring on 07710431598 or just click here to send me an email.


    Information about Psychotherapy & Counselling. talk therapy
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